. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ... with the power of soul, anything is possible .
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Friday, 27 May 2011
Flying Fluoride-Free

Yesterday I picked up a few packets of Grant's Herbal & Mineral Toothpaste. At only $4.00 a pack, I cleared out the Healthy Life store of their 3 remaining packs. I chose this brand because it is Australian made and owned, with certified organic ingredients and is free from harmful aluminium, fluoride, sugar, sodium lauryl sulphate and contain no parabens. It has a pleasant taste and cleans just as well, if not better, than any of the flouride-containing toothpastes on the market.
Unknown to the greater population, Sodium Fluoride;
- Is a hazardous waste by-product of the nuclear, fertilizer and aluminum industries.
- Was used by the Nazis to render prisoners more docile.
- Is used as the active toxin in rat poison and commercial insecticide (particularly for cockroaches).
- Is one of the primary ingredients found in Prozac, Sarin nerve gas, anaesthetics and in hypnotic, psychiatric and anti-depressant drugs, and to some extent in vaccinations.
- Was banned by China when it was found to slow down children’s learning.
- Shortens the human life span by a premature aging process.
- Has alarmed numerous scientists, dentists and medical professionals after discoveries that it causes osteoporosis, bone cancer, Alzheimer’s and other aluminum based diseases.
- Causes poisoning of the central nervous system especially the hippocampus.
- Causes neuropathology and behavioural deficits as stated by Phyllis Mullenix, PhD international authority on toxicology.
- Causes dental fluorosis, a discoloration of teeth caused by ingestion of excess fluoride during childhood and now reaching near-epidemic proportions in the U.S. and other fluoridated countries.
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency classified fluoride as more toxic than lead but less toxic than arsenic.
- The U.S. Akron Regional Poison Centre indicates that a 7-ounce tube of toothpaste contains 199 mg. of fluoride, more than enough to kill a 25-pound child.
This is the stuff they are puting in our water supply.
Source: Ada Street
Educate yourself. Seek the truth. Live YOUR life, the way YOU want, not the way the government is trying to force you to!
PETITION : End the War On Drugs!
It takes only a few seconds! Every single signature counts and is hugely appreciated. This petition has grown so rapidly, it's been so exciting to see it grow from around 100,000, to over 300,000 in only a few days! The aim is to get 500,000, we can do it! Share the link everywhere! Facebook, Twitter, share it with friends! Let's all work together for a better future.
'In days, we could finally see the beginning of the end of the ‘war on drugs’. This expensive war has completely failed to curb the plague of drug addiction, while costing countless lives, devastating communities, and funneling trillions of dollars into violent organized crime networks.
Experts all agree that the most sensible policy is to regulate, but politicians are afraid to touch the issue. In days, a global commission including former heads of state and foreign policy chiefs of the UN, EU, US, Brazil, Mexico and more will break the taboo and publicly call for new approaches including decriminalization and regulation of drugs.
This could be a once-in-a-generation tipping-point moment -- if enough of us call for an end to this madness. Politicians say they understand that the war on drugs has failed, but claim the public isn't ready for an alternative. Let's show them we not only accept a sane and humane policy -- we demand it. Sign the petition and share with everyone --if we reach 1 million voices, it will be personally delivered to world leaders by the global commission.
For 50 years current drug policies have failed everyone, everywhere but public debate is stuck in the mud of fear and misinformation. Everyone, even the UN Office on Drugs and Crime which is responsible for enforcing this approach agrees -- deploying militaries and police to burn drug farms, hunting down traffickers, and imprisoning dealers and addicts – is an expensive mistake. And with massive human cost -- from Afghanistan, to Mexico, to the USA the illegal drug trade is destroying countries around the world, while addiction, overdose deaths, and HIV/AIDS infections continue to rise.
Meanwhile, countries with less-harsh enforcement -- like Switzerland, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Australia -- have not seen the explosion in drug use that proponents of the drug war have darkly predicted. Instead, they have seen significant reductions in drug-related crime, addiction and deaths, and are able to focus squarely on dismantling criminal empires.
Powerful lobbies still stand in the way of change, including military, law enforcement, and prison departments whose budgets are at stake. And politicians fear that voters will throw them out of office if they support alternative approaches, as they will appear weak on law and order. But many former drug Ministers and Heads of State have come out in favour of reform since leaving office, and polls show that citizens across the world know the current approach is a catastrophe. Momentum is gathering towards new improved policies, particularly in regions that are ravaged by the drug trade.
If we can create a worldwide outcry in the next few days to support the bold calls of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, we can overpower the stale excuses for the status quo. Our voices hold the key to change -- Sign the petition and spread the word.
We have a chance to enter the closing chapter of this brutal 'war' that has destroyed millions of lives. Global public opinion will determine if this catastrophic policy is stopped or if politicians shy away from reform. Let's rally urgently to push our hesitating leaders from doubt and fear, over the edge, and into reason.'
Monday, 25 April 2011
ANZAC Cookies
ANZAC cookies healthy style!
We don't follow exact recipes in this house! Just follow your intuition and roll with it. Trial and error is how we learn and it's good to make something unique to you!
300g Lupin flour (high in protein, antioxidants, minerals, low carb, gluten free)
250g rolled oats
150g dissected coconut
100g brown sugar
1 tsp baking powder
100g butter
50g honey
optional: raisins, dark chocolate chips, or anything that tickles your fancy!
Melt butter & honey together, then mix with the dry ingredients until combined. Roll into balls & press flat on lined baking trays. Bake at 150C for 15 minutes/until golden.
Make Peace & Cookies! (Not War!!) ♥ ☮
Friday, 22 April 2011
Crunchy Tuna Salad
This was so delicious! I simply threw together drained springwater Tuna, baby spinach, carrots, cucumbers, slivered almonds and wholegrain mustard. Fast, healthy and refreshingly delicious!!
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Joggin on Sunshine, woooahh
Soo daylight is now arriving one hour earlier again! This is great for me, as most days I am out of bed at 6:00am! Having light coming through the windows make it so much easier to climb out of bed and feel motivated for the day ahead. I am a complete morning person - I love the feeling of having the whole day ahead of me (of course, this is much more enjoyable on a day where I don't have 9 hours of work ahead of me. Regardless, the weather is lovely, the sun is shining and the birds are singing :)
My routine in the morning is the same on most days. I get up, have my breakfast of toast, protein shake & green tea, go for a jog to the park and back with the dog (who, if I don't take within a 'reasonable' amount of time, gets very antsy!), get ready for work, tidy up the house, do stretches/yoga and leave to get the bus and connecting train to work.
I have some long work days ahead of me now. At the moment my longest work day are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so come Friday I'm feelin' pretty fancy free again. In the meantime, I'm going to be happy and grateful for my wonderful, healthy, happy life and enjoy this beautiful morning! :)
Monday, 4 April 2011
So I have been loving making these eggs and cheese frittatta/quiche type dealies. In this batch I used eggs, Parmesan cheese (didn't have cheddar!), mushroom, spring onions, bacon, peas, carrots, corn, bacon, chili. They are soo yummy and pretty good for you too! I just sautee the onions, mushrooms and bacon, then add the rest of the ingredients, mix it altogether and chuck it in the oven til golden. I don't really follow a recipe for this, just wing it, it's pretty easy!
Sunday, 3 April 2011
If I'm ever asked what incense I like or what I recommend, hands down every time I say Nag Champa. If you haven't tried this incense, do! To me, it smells how incense should. I wish I could have this smell on me all the time, it's that good. It's an Indian fragrance commonly used in ashrams, and is available in different forms (soap, perfume, etc.) which I can't wait to try. For now though, I'm well stocked up on a bulk box of the incense goodness. Smokin' it up on a beautiful, sunny Sunday afternoon :)
New blog
The last time I had an online blog was back in the good ol days of LiveJournal, and even DeadJournal. I rather loathe the fact that for the life of me I can't remember the login info for those pages, thus leaving my embarrassing adolescent rantings etched in cyberspace for all to see. But all you can do is laugh really! And appreciate how much you've grown as a person since those angsty days so long ago.
I have created this blog because I am growing more and more dissatisfied with the modus operandi of Facebook and the disappointing absence of actual communication, feedback and interaction. If I'm going to be posting my thoughts, mainly for my own amusement, then why not keep a whole blog to myself.
And so it begins. I am unsure of what the ongoing content of this page may be, but hopefully it grow into something meaningful and productive. I do have a lot going on in my mind and perhaps a personal blog is a better way to work through those thoughts and emotions on a deeper level. The layout and design may change a few times. I'm not sure exactly what I want the appearance and feel of this page to be like, I always change what I think looks best! Hehe. Any tips are welcome.
Peace and love to whoever may be reading this :)
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